Sunday, 28 August 2016

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Friday 26th August - Throwleigh Common, Pykes Meadow

Gorse cutting

The cows were very interested in our gorse fire (to keep off the flies?)

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Friday 19th August - Gidleigh Common

Leat clearing near Scorhill

Meet 10am Finch Foundry car park, Sticklepath

Mike & Terry go flying

Mike and Terry donning rocket packs to fly and crop spray bracken at an archaeology site in Skaigh Valley.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Friday 12th August - Castle Drogo

Task TBA, 

possibly further work on the Fisherman’s path revetments

Meet 10am Finch Foundry car park, Sticklepath

Monday, 1 August 2016

Tuesday 23rd August - Meldon Wildlife Festival, Meldon Quarry

Meldon Wildlife Festival 

Date: 23 August 2016 
Time: 10:30 - 15:30
Description: A day packed full of activities celebrating Dartmoor's flora and fauna such as, moth trapping, House Martin nest cup building and storytelling to name just a few examples. There will be a mixture of both timetabled and drop in events hosted by National Park staff, volunteers and partner organisations. Refreshments will be available to purchase (run by the scouts) or you can bring a packed lunch. Please keep checking back for a full programme of events or sign up to our e-newsletter (found on the news section of the website) or follow us on Twitter or Facebook to be the first to receive this information.
Location: Meldon Quarry