Sunday 30 October 2022

Friday 4th November Meldon Wood/Old Town Park


Meldon Wood/Old Town Park

Hi Mike

We will meet you at Old Town Park at 10.30am

There is a bit of parking space at the far end of Old Town Park (just before the golf course).

Some cars could be left a bit closer to the town entrance to OTP (on the right hand side just after the little meadow)

We will be cutting some dense holly to improve diversity of the woodland and let in more light to encourage wild plant growth.

Tools needed:



bow saws

1 or 2 crow bars and 1 sledge hammer or maul/mell

Meet at Finch Foundry 10am

Sunday 23 October 2022

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Friday 21st October Tor View Moor


Cutting willow and brushcutting the runnel edges


Meet at the Finch Foundry car park 10am

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Friday 14th October Ensworthy, Throwleigh


Marsh fritillary wetland management


Meet at Finch Foundry 10am

Sunday 2 October 2022